Off In The Trenches

Lately I have been off back in that life just short of the drug’s. I have been drinking here and there nothing constantly though. It’s beginning to weigh on me that I truly don’t know myself besides the fact I do a lot of messed up things. I’ve recently hit 18, and I’ll tell you, you can’t get a good job with drug’s in your system. Very few care if you fuck multiple women every week though. I find the more I try to grow up the more I start to progress into the bad things faster and faster. As if to go head first in to the things of this world accepting it as it’s all I can get. Knowing that there are certain rules that you have to follow in life to make it to heaven. Now I won’t go all Jesus freak on you, but I do believe in an all-powerful God that loves us, and punishes us. In that I do feel there are certain things you must do and I feel more allowing the further I stray away. It’s sad really I don’t know how explain it, but I can say that I feel as if I’m off in the trenches. By in the trenches I mean like waging war on my soul, body, and the world. It’s tough where I’m at. You have to be strong to survive, and well if you’re not you don’t survive. You can just hit restart in life, you don’t get a do over, and every move you make needs to be the best you can make. A bad split second decision can stick with you for life. I’ve been making subpar decisions in my life, and I have to start makings up for them now.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a program similar to other programs like AA, NA, CA, SA, ect. There are some key differences such as CR is a Christian based program. They include all issues drugs, depression, anxiety, anger, lust, porn addiction, sexual addiction, self image, ect in one place until small group time thats explained later.They have meals before hand not just snacks. You don’t sit in a groups and listen for 10 minutes and fight the crowd to talk. They have a lesson or a testimony every week it’s alternating every week. Lesson testimony lesson testimony. You eat for an hour, then you go to large group where the testimony or lessons happen, then you have the option to go to small group which are gender specific. Males with males, and women with women. Small group is where the magic happens really. You go in there and it’s typically in a circle sitting in chairs and talk. Well every one typically gets 4-5 minutes to talk with no interruptions. They typically don’t get mad if you go over. Just don’t hold it up for 10 minutes. Get a number, and call someone or talk after. Some have specific groups most common are chemical dependency and life issues. Life issues it everything except drugs. Chemical is everything but you do/did drugs. It has honestly helped along with Jesus in my life. I think it would be good for anymore who has any issues in life even financial.

Stay blessed in all you do.